
JAM Chemistry Syllabus

Updated for 2018

This is part of the syl­labi col­lec­tion.

Chemistry JAM 2018 Syllabus

I found the of­fi­cial syl­labus hard to read and print. Do not take the break­down as in­dica­tive of any weigh­tage. It’s sim­ply de­mar­cated by the base­line dot (aka the full stop). This was too large to be tractable in a list.


Basic Mathematical Concepts
Functions; max­ima and min­ima; in­te­grals; or­di­nary dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions; vec­tors and ma­tri­ces; de­ter­mi­nants; el­e­men­tary sta­tis­tics and prob­a­bil­ity the­ory.
Atomic and Molecular Structure
Fundamental par­ti­cles; Bohr’s the­ory of hy­dro­gen-like atom; wave-par­ti­cle du­al­ity; un­cer­tainty prin­ci­ple; Schrodinger’s wave equa­tion; quan­tum num­bers; shapes of or­bitals; Hund’s rule and Pauli’s ex­clu­sion prin­ci­ple; elec­tronic con­fig­u­ra­tion of sim­ple homonu­clear di­atomic mol­e­cules.
Theory of Gases
Equation of state for ideal and non-ideal (van der Waals) gases; Kinetic the­ory of gases; Maxwell-Boltzmann dis­tri­b­u­tion law; equipar­ti­tion of en­ergy.
Solid state
Crystals and crys­tal sys­tems; X-rays; NaCl and KCl struc­tures; close pack­ing; atomic and ionic radii; ra­dius ra­tio rules; lat­tice en­ergy; Born-Haber cy­cle; iso­mor­phism; heat ca­pac­ity of solids.
Chemical Thermodynamics
Reversible and ir­re­versible processes; first law and its ap­pli­ca­tion to ideal and non­ideal gases; ther­mo­chem­istry; sec­ond law; en­tropy and free en­ergy; cri­te­ria for spon­tane­ity.
Chemical and Phase Equilibria
Law of mass ac­tion; Kp, Kc, Kx and Kn; ef­fect of tem­per­a­ture on K; ionic equi­lib­ria in so­lu­tions; pH and buffer so­lu­tions; hy­drol­y­sis; sol­u­bil­ity prod­uct; phase equi­lib­ria-phase rule and its ap­pli­ca­tion to one-com­po­nent and two-com­po­nent sys­tems; col­liga­tive prop­er­ties.
Conductance and its ap­pli­ca­tions; trans­port num­ber; gal­vanic cells; EMF and free en­ergy; con­cen­tra­tion cells with and with­out trans­port; po­larog­ra­phy; con­cen­tra­tion cells with and with­out trans­port; Debey-Huckel-Onsagar the­ory of strong elec­trolytes.
Chemical Kinetics
Reactions of var­i­ous or­der; Arrhenius equa­tion; col­li­sion the­ory; tran­si­tion state the­ory; chain re­ac­tions - nor­mal and branched; en­zyme ki­net­ics; pho­to­chem­i­cal processes; catal­y­sis.
Gibbs ad­sorp­tion equa­tion; ad­sorp­tion isotherm; types of ad­sorp­tion; sur­face area of ad­sor­bents; sur­face films on liq­uids.
Beer-Lambert law; fun­da­men­tal con­cepts of ro­ta­tional, vi­bra­tional, elec­tronic and mag­netic res­o­nance spec­troscopy.


Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry
Electronic ef­fects (resonance, in­duc­tive, hy­per­con­ju­ga­tion) and steric ef­fects and its ap­pli­ca­tions (acid/base prop­erty); op­ti­cal iso­merism in com­pounds with and with­out any stere­o­cen­ters (allenes, biphenyls); con­for­ma­tion of acyclic sys­tems (substituted ethane/​n-propane/​n-bu­tane) and cyclic sys­tems (mono- and di-sub­sti­tuted cy­clo­hexa­nes).
Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications
Chemistry of re­ac­tive in­ter­me­di­ates (carbocations, car­ban­ions, free rad­i­cals, car­benes, ni­trenes, ben­zynes etc …); Hofmann-Curtius-Lossen re­arrange­ment, Wolff re­arrange­ment, Simmons-Smith re­ac­tion, Reimer-Tiemann re­ac­tion, Michael re­ac­tion, Darzens re­ac­tion, Wittig re­ac­tion and McMurry re­ac­tion; Pinacol-pinacolone, Favorskii, ben­zilic acid re­arrange­ment, dienone-phe­nol re­arrange­ment, Baeyer-Villeger re­ac­tion; ox­i­da­tion and re­duc­tion re­ac­tions in or­ganic chem­istry; organometal­lic reagents in or­ganic syn­the­sis (Grignard, organo­lithium and organocop­per); Diels-Alder, elec­tro­cyclic and sig­ma­t­ropic re­ac­tions; func­tional group in­ter-con­ver­sions and struc­tural prob­lems us­ing chem­i­cal re­ac­tions.
Qualitative Organic Analysis
Identification of func­tional groups by chem­i­cal tests; el­e­men­tary UV, IR and 1H NMR spec­tro­scopic tech­niques as tools for struc­tural elu­ci­da­tion.
Natural Products Chemistry
Chemistry of al­ka­loids, steroids, ter­penes, car­bo­hy­drates, amino acids, pep­tides and nu­cleic acids.
Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry
Monocyclic, bi­cyclic and tri­cyclic aro­matic hy­dro­car­bons, and mono­cyclic com­pounds with one het­ero atom syn­the­sis, re­ac­tiv­ity and prop­er­ties.


Periodic Table
Periodic clas­si­fi­ca­tion of el­e­ments and pe­ri­od­ic­ity in prop­er­ties; gen­eral meth­ods of iso­la­tion and pu­rifi­ca­tion of el­e­ments.
Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds
Types of bond­ing; VSEPR the­ory and shapes of mol­e­cules; hy­bridiza­tion; di­pole mo­ment; ionic solids; struc­ture of NaCl, CsCl, di­a­mond and graphite; lat­tice en­ergy.
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks)
General con­cepts on group re­la­tion­ships and gra­da­tion in prop­er­ties; struc­ture of elec­tron de­fi­cient com­pounds in­volv­ing main group el­e­ments.
Transition Metals (d block)
Characteristics of 3d el­e­ments; ox­ide, hy­drox­ide and salts of first row met­als; co­or­di­na­tion com­plexes struc­ture, iso­merism, re­ac­tion mech­a­nism and elec­tronic spec­tra; VB, MO and Crystal Field the­o­ret­i­cal ap­proaches for struc­ture, color and mag­netic prop­er­ties of metal com­plexes; organometal­lic com­pounds hav­ing lig­ands with back bond­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties such as metal car­bonyls, car­benes, ni­tro­syls and met­al­locenes; ho­moge­nous catal­y­sis.
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Essentials and trace el­e­ments of life; ba­sic re­ac­tions in the bi­o­log­i­cal sys­tems and the role of metal ions, es­pe­cially Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+; struc­ture and func­tion of he­mo­glo­bin and myo­glo­bin and car­bonic an­hy­drase.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Basic prin­ci­ples; in­stru­men­ta­tions and sim­ple ap­pli­ca­tions of con­duc­tom­e­try, po­ten­tiom­e­try and UV-vis spec­tropho­tom­e­try; analy­sis of wa­ter, air and soil sam­ples.
Analytical Chemistry
Principles of qual­i­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive analy­sis; acid-base, ox­i­da­tion-re­duc­tion and com­plex­o­met­ric titra­tions us­ing EDTA; pre­cip­i­ta­tion re­ac­tions; use of in­di­ca­tors; use of or­ganic reagents in in­or­ganic analy­sis; ra­dioac­tiv­ity; nu­clear re­ac­tions; ap­pli­ca­tions of iso­topes.