
Explorations with Jupyter

Collection Introduction

This is part of the jupyter stuff col­lec­tion.

There has been a strong push to­wards jupyter note­books (nowadays known as JupyterHub) for work­ing with code, in par­tic­u­lar python code. This is ac­tu­ally against my own prin­ci­ples, as the .ipynb note­books are ba­si­cally un­read­able with­out a server and the ex­port func­tion­al­ity is still pretty poor. I will de­tail some of caveats faced here, which are com­mon to the us­age of Jupyter.

At the mo­ment the col­lec­tion con­sists of:

  1. LaTeX and JupyterHub - Generating out­puts lo­cally

Using Jupyter lo­cally and gen­er­at­ing out­puts with tlmgr for la­tex